How to Prepare Chicken and Meat for Perfect Shredding - Orved Brock

How to Prepare Chicken and Meat for Perfect Shredding

Shredding chicken or beef can be an easy task if done correctly and with the right materials, and one of the secrets to achieving a delicious result is to prepare the meat properly before shredding it. In addition to our DFC line shredders that can correctly separate the fibers, it is important to remove the fat and nerves and cook for the correct time.

Importance of Fat and Nerve Removal

Removing the fat and nerves is an important step in achieving the perfect result. Both fat and nerves serve as a kind of glue that prevents the fibers from being separated. In places where fat/nerves are present, our shredders will not be able to achieve the ideal shredding. It is therefore recommended to carefully remove the unwanted fat and nerve pieces before cooking the meat.

Proper Cooking of Meat, Chicken and Pork

When it comes to cooking meat, the correct timing is critical to achieve a result where the fibers are ready to be separated. Otherwise the collagen between the fibers has not melted completely, causing pieces to stick together, preventing you from achieving the perfect shredding completely.

Cooking time can vary depending on the type and size of meat, but it is important to ensure that the meat is cooked to the correct point before shredding. If the meat is not cooked enough, it can become tough and difficult to shred. On the other hand, if it is overcooked, the meat can become dry and tasteless.

Defining the Size of the Fibers

To achieve the correct fiber size, it is necessary to understand that this is only possible by separating the fibers correctly. Thus, the dimensions of the shred will be proportional to the dimensions of the fibers. So if you want a smaller shredded meat, you can before cooking your meat, chicken or pork, cut the pieces (always perpendicular to the direction of the fibers) into the size you would like them to be.

For example, taking a 10x10x10cm piece of beef jerky, you can cut it perpendicular to the direction of the fibers in half, making two 5x10x10cm pieces, which will be shredded in half the size of the 10x10x10cm piece.

Discover our patented meat and chicken shredders of DFC Line

Would you like to get in contact with Orved Brock to know more about the patented meat and chicken shredders? Reach us via phone: +55 85 98793-6777, e-mail: or whatsapp.

Get in contact with us to know more about our meat and chicken shredders