Making the Most of Our Meat and Chicken Shredders - Orved Brock

Making the most of our Chicken and Meat Shredders

We have made this article for you to take even more advantage of the full potential of our patented line of chicken and meat shredders.

Don’t forget: If it has fiber, it shreds

Many customers buy our equipment thinking about using it for only one type of product, such as chicken or beef.

We suggest to our customers to get the most out of the equipment, using them for all possible products.

This is very interesting because by increasing your product mix you will be able to serve more segments and reach new customers for your company.

So also consider using our shredders for pork, fish, lamb, etc. After all, you have equipment that can guarantee perfect shredding with continuous production.

Have you thought about also distributing the shredded products?

As we have always mentioned, our machines offer two very interesting competitive advantages, which are the superior quality of the final result and also the optimization of labor (since production is continuous).

Thus, if you are thinking of using the shredded products only for the products you use, know that one option is to distribute the shredded products to other companies. We know that labor for the shredding process is high, but remember, with our shredders you have the solution

Increase the variety of foods that use chicken or shredded meat

Did you buy the equipment thinking it would be used only for pies or pastries, for example? You can further increase the range of products that use the shredded proteins.

Our shredders give you an excellent production margin that will allow you to use shredded products more and more in your production. Thus, in addition to increasing your range, you can also decrease various costs.

Discover our patented meat and chicken shredders of DFC Line

Would you like to get in contact with Orved Brock to know more about the patented meat and chicken shredders? Reach us via phone: +55 85 98793-6777, e-mail: or whatsapp.

Get in contact with us to know more about our meat and chicken shredders