Our shredder machines, the manpower and the quality - Orved Brock

Our shredder machines, the manpower and the quality

The process of shredding chicken and meat has always represented a bottleneck for those who used this kind of food. This is because before our line of shredders, shredding was a slow, low-capacity process that did not achieve the expected result.

Previously, the perfect shredding only existed if it was made by hand.

This happened because the equipment that was used could not correctly separate the fibers. In fact, it’s more of a fiber breaking process, where the result was small pieces that were separated, but not really shredded. When you break the fibers, your product loses quality, as the texture is lost and the portion yields less, as there is compaction. Often the meat becomes crumbly, loses its properties. And even using the “grinders” present on the market (where many were equipment made for another purpose and adapted for this process), production was still very limited, since it was not a continuous process.

So in an attempt to try to maintain the shredding quality, many producers or those who used shredded meat ended up doing a manual process, where an operator would take hours to shred a few kilos of chicken or meat by hand. Shifting an employee or several to this role generates a very high cost to your business, a cost that could be avoided.

Our patented meat and chicken shredders solve all that

Whenever we present our patented line for shredding meat, we talk about perfect shredding and continuous production. And this is the reality of our equipment, we finally managed to close the bottleneck in the segment that works with shredded chicken and meat, which has always suffered from high labor, low production and low quality.

Discover our patented meat and chicken shredders of DFC Line

Our line will allow your employees to perform other tasks, be more productive. Put on paper the cost you have with labor in a year because of the process of shredding, and imagine that you can drastically reduce this cost and still increase the quality and production of your final product.

Would you like to get in contact with Orved Brock to know more about the patented meat and chicken shredders? Reach us via phone: +55 85 98793-6777, e-mail: vendas@orvedbrock.com.br or whatsapp.

Get in contact with us to know more about our meat and chicken shredders