The Best Way to Shred Chicken - Discover the DFC Line - Orved Brock

Best Way to Shred Chicken

If you use a lot of shredded chicken, we know how difficult it is for you to produce or purchase this product. Here we present the solution to all these bottlenecks, which are the DFC Line Chicken and Meat Shredders.

It’s no exaggeration to say that this line is revolutionizing the way we shred. We manufacture these machines here in Brazil and they are present in several countries. They shred chicken instantly and also offer the best final shredding quality.

A single operator shreds hundreds of kilos per hour

One of the difficulties in working with shredded proteins, such as chicken, sun-dried meat or pulled pork, is the high labor requirement.

With our equipment, a single operator can shred hundreds of kilos per hour. This is reflected in savings and operational efficiency. In fact, one of our customers’ trends is to increase productivity, since our shredders allow for scalability, including increasing the range of types of protein shredded.

Shredded chicken of the highest possible quality

The exclusive system we use ensures that the chicken fibers are separated in the right way. This has many benefits for the end result, and is considered the perfect shredding:

  1. Because they are correctly separated, they occupy a larger volume than those “shredded” in other types of equipment. As a result, the shredded meat has a higher yield
  2. The experience of those who consume the shredded product is superior, since the fibers are perceptible and not in a texture close to dough.

These advantages give shredded products greater acceptance and higher returns.

Main questions

We’ve listed here the main questions about our DFC Line Chicken and Meat Shredders. But it’s a very simple process and easy to implement.

1) Do they only shred chicken?

No, they shred all proteins. If there is fiber, our equipment is able to separate it correctly.

2. Can you take the hot product to the equipment?

Yes, and the ideal is to take them hot, right after cooking.

3. How do I cook the chicken?

You can use a variety of cooking methods, the most commonly used being:

  1. Industrial cauldron (boiling water)
  2. Pressure cooker (boiling water)
  3. Combination ovens
  4. Sous vide

Cooking is a fundamental stage, as it is during this process that the collagen begins to melt, making it easier to separate the fibers. We have suggested recommended cooking times, which you can check out in this article.

Discover our patented meat and chicken shredders of DFC Line

Would you like to get in contact with Orved Brock to know more about the patented meat and chicken shredders? Reach us via phone: +55 85 98793-6777, e-mail: or whatsapp.

Get in contact with us to know more about our meat and chicken shredders