Benefits of perfect shredding - Meat and chicken shredders - Orved Brock

Benefits of the perfect shredding

Shredding quality done by our shredders
Shredding result of our patented meat and chicken shredders machines

Getting the perfect shredding for you meat, chicken and another protein has a number of benefits for your business. Here are some of those benefits:

1. Differentiation

Most of the shredding we find is done in a way where the fibers break, leaving the appearance of something crumbly or “crumpled”. In this way, besides the result being well below what is expected, it is a standard shredding, which ends up neutrally or negatively affecting the image of the product.

Therefore, our shredder performs this process respecting the word “shredded” etymologically, ensuring that the fibers are separated correctly. The visualization of the final product is much more presentable and is exactly what is expected when talking about shredding. Thus, those who use our patented meat and chicken shredders machines have a differentiated result.

2. Better use

Because the product is actually in fibers and not compacted as is the case with most “meat shredders” on the market, it can be much looser. Thus, our meat and chicken shredding when used in fillings ends up occupying a much larger space compared to other shredded products, which gives the impression that you are using a larger amount of product, when in fact it is only the shredded product that by not being pressed occupies a larger space.

For example, if you use 100 grams of shredded chicken made in our shredder machines, this amount will occupy a much larger volume than if compared to shredded chicken made in other equipment.

In other words, with the correct shredding, you get a much higher yield than the standard shredding on the market.

3. Greater acceptance

Because it is a much more presentable shredded product, the correct shredding makes it easier to market and market the product. This is true whether you want to sell only the shredded food or use it as a filling for your products.

Discover our patented meat and chicken shredders of DFC Line

As a video worth a thousand words…

Follow some videos where you can see the final shredding result of our patented shredders better. In these videos we cover three types of products: chicken, fish and beef.

Shredding chicken
Shredding fish
Shredding beef

Would you like to get in contact with Orved Brock to know more about the patented meat and chicken shredders? Reach us via phone: +55 85 98793-6777, e-mail: or whatsapp.

Get in contact with us to know more about our meat and chicken shredders