How to shred chicken, beef and pork - Patented Shredders - Orved Brock

How to shred chicken, beef and pork

Perfect shredded chicken

In this article we will cover how to perform the shredding process for chicken, beef and pork.

First comes the cooking

This process is essential because the shredding is nothing more than the fibers being correctly separated. There is a kind of “glue” between them, which makes it impossible to separate them and thus impairs the final result of the shredding of the chicken, beef or pork. That’s why cooking is necessary; it will remove this “glue” between the fibers and allow them to be separated to achieve the perfect shredding.

The cooking methods can be varied, such as using a pan with boiling water, ovens, steam, sous vide technique, pressure cooker, etc. And for each cooking method and for each protein, there will be different times for this “glue” between the fibers to be lost..

How to shred

Now it’s time to shred your chicken, beef or pork. There are different ways, going from the least efficient (low quality final shredding) to the one that achieves the best end result (perfect shredding).

1. Using food processors/mixers to shred

This way of shredding your chicken, meat or pork is the most used, but will achive a low quality result. This is because this equipment breaks the fibers, and does not separate them properly. In this way, the result will be a brittle, crumbly, compacted product.

2. Manual shredding

This is a form of shredding that has a medium/good end result, and is generally used for residential use, and not for production. Here the separation of the fibers can be done by hand, using forks, or even shaking the pan to separate the fibers. The limitation is the production, since the process is very manual.

3. Using our patented meat and chicken shredders (DFC Line)

Here we achieve the best end result, the perfect shredding. This is possible because the fibers of the chicken, beef and pork are separated correctly, thus achieving perfect shredding.

Besides being production-oriented (continuous production), the final shredding is even better than manual shredding, since the equipment is is designed to ensure a homogenous final result.

Discover our patented meat and chicken shredders of DFC Line

Which method to choose?

If it is for home use in your recipes, without a doubt the manual method is the most indicated. It will achieve a good quality for your needs.

Now, if you use it for your products, for your production, the choice will be between the processors/mixers and our chicken and meat shredders. If you want to improve the product delivered to your customer and optimize your production, no doubt our equipment will solve these issues.

Would you like to get in contact with Orved Brock to know more about the patented meat and chicken shredders? Reach us via phone: +55 85 98793-6777, e-mail: or whatsapp.

Get in contact with us to know more about our meat and chicken shredders