Chicken and meat shredders: indispensable machines in pastry shops

Chicken And Meat Shredders: Indispensable Machines In Pastry Shops

Among the segments that make the most use of shredded proteins, such as shredded chicken or shredded sun-dried meat, one that stands out is the pastry industry. Undoubtedly, shredded products are among the main inputs for this sector.

Therefore, the production and use of these inputs will have an impact on the success of the business. It is in this context that our DFC Line chicken and meat shredders come into their own, as they are widely used in pastry shops.

Optimize the entire workforce involved in the shredding process

One of the main bottlenecks for those working with shredded products is production. Shredded meat and chicken generally require a high level of labor, whether it’s done by hand or on other equipment used for “shredding” (e.g. processors, kneaders, etc.). As a result, labor costs are high, which consequently increases the value of the operation.

Our chicken and meat shredders solve this problem first and foremost: continuous production manages to optimize all the labour involved in shredding, reducing various costs and bringing much greater agility and efficiency to the production of these inputs.

Fill your pastries more efficiently

One of the fears of those who work with this product is that the pastry is not properly filled. This can happen due to an operator who, instead of spreading the filling evenly, ends up concentrating it in a single spot on the pastry. The end result is a dissatisfied customer.

The difficulty of spreading the filling correctly is largely due to the quality of the shredded protien. Many “shredded meat” have the consistency of a dough, compacted, which greatly increases the chances of the person assembling the pastry not being able to fill it correctly.

That’s why quality shredding makes all the difference. Our shredders are able to separate the fibers correctly, achieving the best possible result. The perfect shredded chicken or meat delivers loose fibers, which make the stuffing process much easier and which yield more (because they occupy a larger volume compared to compacted shredded pastry).

This way, your pastries using shredded meat or chicken done by our shredders will offer your customers a superior experience.

Discover our patented meat and chicken shredders

Would you like to get in contact with Orved Brock to know more about the patented meat and chicken shredders? Reach us via phone: +55 85 98793-6777, e-mail: or whatsapp.

Get in contact with us to know more about our meat and chicken shredders