Exportation - Orved Brock

Know more about Exportation

Our main commitment to our customers is to provide the best possible support, both before and after the purchase. We started to export the DFC (meat and chicken shredders) and TC (professional thermocirculators) lines after making sure that customers outside Brazil would have the necessary support.

In addition to being robust, easy-to-use equipments, we accompany our customers for the best possible experience. We ship worldwide.

How it works

After the equipments quote, you can tell us the model you are interested in and your address. We will ask you for the shipping cost and send it to you within 5 days. Simple as that 🙂

Would you like to get in contact with Orved Brock to know more about the patented equipments? Reach us via phone: +55 85 98793-6777, e-mail: vendas@orvedbrock.com.br or whatsapp.

Get in contact with us to know more about our meat and chicken shredders