Sous Vide in meal preparation: planning and execution - Orved Brock

Sous Vide In Meal Preparation: Planning And Execution

In the modern age, where time is a luxury and the quest for healthy eating has never been more intense, the sous vide technique has emerged as an elegant solution for preparing different meals. Known for its precision and ability to retain food’s flavors and nutrients, this technique involves cooking vacuum-sealed food in water at controlled temperatures.

This method not only makes it easy to create delicious dishes, but also fits perfectly into the planning and execution of meal preparation for the week. Let’s dive into how you can use sous vide to optimize your eating routine.

Planning: The Key to Success

Choosing the food

The first step is to select the foods that will be prepared. From proteins such as meat and fish to vegetables and even fruit, sous vide can handle a wide range of ingredients. Opt for foods that benefit from slow and precise cooking, ensuring succulent textures and intense flavors.

Time and temperature marking

Each food has its own ideal time and temperature window for sous vide. Beef, for example, varies depending on the desired point and cut, while vegetables and seafood generally require less time. Plan each food based on these specifications to ensure success.

To help you, we have a table with various times and temperatures for different types of food, check it out by clicking here.

Advance preparation

The beauty of sous vide in meal preparation is the ability to do everything in advance. You can vacuum seal your ingredients with marinades or seasonings and store them in the fridge or even freeze them until you need them.

Here we have to make a note: before storing, you need to carry out a thermal shock, which can be done with a vat of water and ice or deep-freezers.

Efficient execution

Batch cooking

One of the greatest advantages of sous vide is the ability to cook several items at the same time. By arranging your thermocirculator (discover our professional TC Line), you can cook different foods together, as long as they share a similar cooking temperature, optimizing your time and effort.


Another strong point of sous vide is the ease with which meals can be reheated without loss of quality. Prepared and stored food can be quickly brought to the ideal temperature, maintaining its texture and flavor as if it had been freshly made.

Variety and Creativity

Use sous vide to experiment with different combinations of food and spices. The precision of the technique allows for fine adjustments in flavors, encouraging creativity and avoiding monotony in meals.

Tips for success

Organization is key: Keep a record of temperatures and cooking times for different foods, making it easier for you to plan.

Invest in good packaging: This is essential to ensure that the packaging doesn’t break during the process.

Get the right thermocirculator: Good equipment will bring maximum efficiency to the process. Check out our professional range here.

Don’t forget the finish: For meats, a quick sear in a hot frying pan after sous vide can add a delicious crust and texture.

Know more about our professional professional sous vide machines

Would you like to get in contact with Orved Brock to know more about our professional sous vide machines? Reach us via phone: +55 85 98793-6777, e-mail: or whatsapp.

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